About Krixwin

Krixwin services, a comprehensive solution to your every facilities management need from Building, Electrical, Wood work, Plumbing, Interior decoration, house keeping to Security services and Property management. We have a simple target, i.e fulfilling customer necessities with price benefits. With Kixwin you can seek any service like managing every electrical requirement or even the simple repairs of wiring and damaged switch replacements, most elegant and exquisite interior decoration completely or just assistance in wall hangings, planning and constructing a perfect house to barely in-house repairs and renovation of your kitchen or bathroom, setting up a perfect new water and drainage system to fixing up an easy washer or replace a tap, everything and anything as you call for. we are with you in any prospect of facilities management with in hand professionals to accommodate your need but perfect quality and much simpler costs.

Our Team

Krixwin services, a comprehensive solution to your every facilities management need from Building, Electrical, Wood work, Plumbing, Interior decoration, house keeping to Security services and Property management. We have a simple target, i.e fulfilling customer necessities with price benefits. With Kixwin you can seek any service like managing every electrical requirement or even the simple repairs of wiring and damaged switch replacements, most elegant and exquisite interior decoration completely or just assistance in wall hangings, planning and constructing a perfect house to barely in-house repairs and renovation of your kitchen or bathroom, setting up a perfect new water and drainage system to fixing up an easy washer or replace a tap, everything and anything as you call for. we are with you in any prospect of facilities management with in hand professionals to accommodate your need but perfect quality and much simpler costs.

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